
As a Co-Teacher, you are a part of the Tao Tantric Arts Support Team.
Teaching Rate: 1000 USD/week
This role is a participatory teacher. This means you attend all or most classes as a space holder, even when you are not teaching. This different from a guest teacher who gets paid by the class and need only attend the classes that they teach.
You will be asked to teach classes when the main teachers need relief. You will need to hep us fill the curriculum rather than offering whatever classes you feel like! However we are open to your creative suggestions.
It is your responsibility to pay for your accommodation and food (reduced staff rate applies), which varies according to location. Our organizer will help you arranging accommodation and food. Please be onsite or next door. The training is too intensive for commuting.
We can only pay you if you give us full international bank details or paypal. Please provide this prior to the training.
After reading this carefully, do you feel a YES? Then the next step is your commitment.
We have created a set of clear commitments that we ask you to read carefully. This has been based upon the guidelines of two great communities: Findhorn and Angsbacka (click on each one to read their guidelines). These are the commitments that they have developed for harmonious living and co-creating, plus some added specifically from a Tao Tantric Arts perspective. We are making this in the form of check boxes, so you can actually check each one off when you have read it and send it back to us. This is your commitment, not only to us, but to the group, to yourself and most of all to Spirit.
Teaching Rate: 1000 USD/week
This role is a participatory teacher. This means you attend all or most classes as a space holder, even when you are not teaching. This different from a guest teacher who gets paid by the class and need only attend the classes that they teach.
You will be asked to teach classes when the main teachers need relief. You will need to hep us fill the curriculum rather than offering whatever classes you feel like! However we are open to your creative suggestions.
It is your responsibility to pay for your accommodation and food (reduced staff rate applies), which varies according to location. Our organizer will help you arranging accommodation and food. Please be onsite or next door. The training is too intensive for commuting.
We can only pay you if you give us full international bank details or paypal. Please provide this prior to the training.
After reading this carefully, do you feel a YES? Then the next step is your commitment.
We have created a set of clear commitments that we ask you to read carefully. This has been based upon the guidelines of two great communities: Findhorn and Angsbacka (click on each one to read their guidelines). These are the commitments that they have developed for harmonious living and co-creating, plus some added specifically from a Tao Tantric Arts perspective. We are making this in the form of check boxes, so you can actually check each one off when you have read it and send it back to us. This is your commitment, not only to us, but to the group, to yourself and most of all to Spirit.
Thank you for choosing to be part of the team and to offer yourself in service to the healing, transformation and awakening of others.
loka samasta sukhino bhavantu
May all beings be happy. May peace and harmony prevail.
loka samasta sukhino bhavantu
May all beings be happy. May peace and harmony prevail.
* Tao Tantric Arts Grievances Procedures. We teach a number of relationship tools in our trainings and these can be applied to all relationships, including the people we are working with. A simple example is that in conflict the two people sit face to face, possibly with a third person to hold space, and share their desires, fears and needs, listening deeply to one another. Another healing tool is a forgiveness sharing: each person in the conflict simply says to the other "Please forgive me for...". This turns it around from blaming the other, to taking responsibility and it also opens the heart. All assistants, healers and co-teachers will be briefed in these before the training begins.