Boundaries and Ethics
Tao, Tantra and sexuality are all very controversial areas...and with good reason! There is a lot of energy in sexuality, and there is also a lot of potential vulnerability.
At Tao Tantric Arts we are very aware of the importance of clear boundaries and healthy ethics.
We ask all participants to read and sign a comprehensive agreement before embarking on any class with us. We want everyone to know what to expect and to be in full choice.
These ancient arts and practices that we explore in class are about healing sexual energy, aligning it with nature, and learning to channel this energy into our hearts, meditation and creativity. However, there is no sex in classes!
We do teach "secrets of the bedchamber"....ancient Tao Tantric Arts of loving intimacy, but these are for you to explore in your spare time, not in the classroom. We believe that these arts are for deeply-loving intimate union with your beloved.
In classes everything we offer is optional, and we encourage self-empowerment. We always have a safe space in our workshop space and you can step into this area if you feel overwhelmed or want a break.
We also believe that it is inappropriate for teachers and students to share intimacy for the duration of this working relationship. If two individuals meeting such dynamic and believe they have something personal to explore, we would have the facilitator in question tell their co-facilitators to receive feedback from them whether they feel it is appropriate, and a period of at least 6 weeks would be given after the professional event before any personal relation would be explored. It would be discussed between the two individuals to be clear the the facilitator-pasrticipant relationship is fully disssolved.. We ask all of our graduates to uphold this boundary with their own participants if they choose to teach under the name "Tao Tantric Arts".
When we lead a mixed-gender workshop.
Sharing between men and women may include the following:
If any of these feel too much for you, please do not sign up for our mixed-gender classes. We recommend you find what feels right for you at each stage of your process and take responsibility to chose your own path. If you have any doubts or questions please email us for clarification.
There is sometimes the opportunity for one mixed-gender class during the 4 week women's training. This class is optional and all practices will be taught outside of that one class, so no material will be missed by opting out.
It is of utmost importance to us that all students feel safe and happy in our classroom space. The Tao Tantric Arts are primarily for the cultivation of energy for meditation and the raising of consciousness. Awareness is key to all of our classes and all of the spaces we create.
At Tao Tantric Arts we are very aware of the importance of clear boundaries and healthy ethics.
We ask all participants to read and sign a comprehensive agreement before embarking on any class with us. We want everyone to know what to expect and to be in full choice.
These ancient arts and practices that we explore in class are about healing sexual energy, aligning it with nature, and learning to channel this energy into our hearts, meditation and creativity. However, there is no sex in classes!
We do teach "secrets of the bedchamber"....ancient Tao Tantric Arts of loving intimacy, but these are for you to explore in your spare time, not in the classroom. We believe that these arts are for deeply-loving intimate union with your beloved.
In classes everything we offer is optional, and we encourage self-empowerment. We always have a safe space in our workshop space and you can step into this area if you feel overwhelmed or want a break.
We also believe that it is inappropriate for teachers and students to share intimacy for the duration of this working relationship. If two individuals meeting such dynamic and believe they have something personal to explore, we would have the facilitator in question tell their co-facilitators to receive feedback from them whether they feel it is appropriate, and a period of at least 6 weeks would be given after the professional event before any personal relation would be explored. It would be discussed between the two individuals to be clear the the facilitator-pasrticipant relationship is fully disssolved.. We ask all of our graduates to uphold this boundary with their own participants if they choose to teach under the name "Tao Tantric Arts".
When we lead a mixed-gender workshop.
Sharing between men and women may include the following:
- eye gazing
- synchronised breathing
- energy exchange (partner-qigong)
- sound healing in pairs
- dancing
- rituals (e.g. seeing the divine qualities within one another)
If any of these feel too much for you, please do not sign up for our mixed-gender classes. We recommend you find what feels right for you at each stage of your process and take responsibility to chose your own path. If you have any doubts or questions please email us for clarification.
There is sometimes the opportunity for one mixed-gender class during the 4 week women's training. This class is optional and all practices will be taught outside of that one class, so no material will be missed by opting out.
It is of utmost importance to us that all students feel safe and happy in our classroom space. The Tao Tantric Arts are primarily for the cultivation of energy for meditation and the raising of consciousness. Awareness is key to all of our classes and all of the spaces we create.