Practices of Tao Tantra
There are many different practices that can be used in Tao Tantra. These paths are experiential, and so theory is accompanied by practices and experiences. In Tao Tantra our main concern is lifeforce energy (chi/prana) and most especially the sexual-creative energy (jing chi/ ojas). If we can learn to preserve the sexual-creative energy and then lift it up through the body (sublimation) then higher states of consciousness can be attained. As this occurs the body undergoes a clearing process known as purification. We also focus on bringing divine frequencies down into the body, allowing for embodiment of spirit and activating the creative path. Music, dance, poetry and expression are all channels of this "divine download" of energy.
By using a number of different forms of practice concurrently, we enhance the process of transformation.
These are some of the different forms of practice used in Tao Tantra:
By using a number of different forms of practice concurrently, we enhance the process of transformation.
These are some of the different forms of practice used in Tao Tantra: