Spiritual Disclaimer
We at the Tao Tantric Arts School (teachers, assistants, organizers and healers) are offering to hold a space for our participants, and to teach certain tools and practices.
We consider our role like being a hiking guide who takes care of watching out for the terrain, weather and what the hikers are able to do. We create and hold a safe and sacred space for participants to open up and work through their healing process. We give participants tools to hold space for their own experiences and emotions and help to integrate these experiences into their life.
All participants are invited to partake of these activities by their own free will and choice, and are invited to take responsibility for their own boundaries and limitations, as well as taking responsibility to adequately resource themselves.
We, the Tao Tantric Arts School are not taking responsibility for your spiritual journey, healing, growth or evolution. Nor do we accept any responsibility for any triggers, resistance or projections you may experience. We are here to facilitate and support your process of growth, yet with the understanding that it is your path to walk and your own responsibility and choice.
We, the Tao Tantric Arts School do not claim to be perfect, totally evolved, enlightened nor the perfect role models. We are wisdom keepers of the lineage of Tao Tantric Arts. We carry the wisdom of the lineage into the world with integrity. We uphold the ethics and true spirit of what we teach.
We hold space from the opening ritual at the start of the retreat until the closing ritual at the end, and only applies to the official class times. Things can arise from this deep work during and after the training and in free time. Participants may reach out to the staff for emotional support, and book private sessions if needed.
Feedback is welcome within the guidelines of communicating with the appropriate person on the team and the appropriate time and space.
Thank you for your understanding and respect.