What to Bring?
Please bring a valid travel insurance to all trainings, valid for the entire course duration and all travel to and from.
This is compulsory and we cannot accept any student without a valid insurance.
Please forward a copy of your insurance to [email protected] before your departure. Thank you.
This is compulsory and we cannot accept any student without a valid insurance.
Please forward a copy of your insurance to [email protected] before your departure. Thank you.
Sarongs/ Travel Towel
Bring a couple of lightweight sarongs or travel towels to cover your yoga mat during some sessions and to wear during massage sessions. Two or three sarongs are recommended. We will use these to cover our mats, as cover in massage etc. |
White Clothes
Bring a set of white clothes. We will use for some rituals. For men, simple pants and t-shirt is fine. For women you can choose either pants or a dress, as you like. You can buy these locally at very good prices. |
Sexy Clothes
We ask you to bring an item of clothing that you feel celebrates your sexuality, or opens up a new expression of creativity. It need to be a typical "sexy" outfit...just whatever liberates energy. From animal print to see-through, burlesque, all-white lacy, your favorite underwear or something you never dared to wear before! Go for it! |
Blindfold or a Mindfold Eye Mask
You will need an eye mask for blindfolded meditations. This can be the kind you get on airplanes, or you may want to bring a special Mindfold. Mindfold is a very special eye mask as it creates a pure field of darkness. This is not essential for our retreats, but is a great way to enter the Yin practices even deeper. You can buy from amazon.com |
Belly Dance Veil
(and belly dance coin hip scarf is optional, but recommended) You will need a veil to use as a dance prop. This is compulsory for the training and you MUST buy before you come as they are very hard to find locally. You can buy a proper veil or you can buy 2 meters of semi see-through material from a fabric store. Check Amazon.com |
Water Bottle
Please do not bring metallic water bottles! When they fall over, the sound is really disturbing to others when they are meditating. So we ask you please to bring BPA-free plastic water bottles, and write your name on it or make some way that it is easy to recognise. |
Flash Light
As we are in the wilds of nature, it is always handy to have a torch, aside from a phone. Most useful are the smaller ones that clip onto your bag, so you always have it with you. |
You cannot swim naked here so bring swimwear. |
Natural Mosquito Repellant
Please do not bring harsh chemical sprays as it affects the whole room. Choose a natural repellent. |
Musical Instrument
We have regular Open Mic sessions, so bring your ukulele, guitar, shamanic drum or anything else to support your creativity. |
Red Dress
We celebrate our sexuality and power with the colour red. Look for a simple red sun dress, or something more sexy and wild if you feel drawn! |
Hiking Gear
If you plan to go hiking at the weekends, then please bring suitable clothing. Some people are happy in sandals, but if you prefer trainers etc then wear them on the plane. Rainy season starts mid-May in Costa Rica. But it can rain year round, so please bring a lightweight rain jacket and possibly a small unbrella. |
Covid Specials

Immunity Boosting
Please bring all the herbs and supplements that are helpful for your immune system, such as Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Oil of Oregano is a superb herb for immunity. Quercitin is another immune boosting supplement.
We also recommend charcoal tables for your belly, just incase you get an upset.
Melatonin is great for jet-lag (and also apparently incredible for Covid!)
Please bring all the herbs and supplements that are helpful for your immune system, such as Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Oil of Oregano is a superb herb for immunity. Quercitin is another immune boosting supplement.
We also recommend charcoal tables for your belly, just incase you get an upset.
Melatonin is great for jet-lag (and also apparently incredible for Covid!)